Organizations and Initiatives


These links are intended to serve as culture change information sharing. This list is not intended to be inclusive, and our posting of resources and links does not serve as an endorsement or imply that we represent these listings in any manner.

Action Pact, Inc.
Action Pact, Inc. is a company of trainers, consultants and educators who assist nursing homes and other elder care organizations in becoming resident-directed. They work with clients to redesign the way the organization itself functions, moving from traditional top-down management towards a collaborative effort of self-governing teams.

American Health Care Association (AHCA)
A federation of affiliated state health organizations, together representing more than 10,000 non-profit and for-profit assisted living, nursing facility, developmentally-disabled, and subacute care providers that care for more than 1.5 million elderly and disabled individuals nationally.

American Health Quality Association (AHQA)
Represents Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) and professionals working to improve the quality of health care in communities across America. QIOs share information about best practices with physicians, hospitals, and nursing homes.

Better Jobs Better Care (BJBC)
A 4-year research and demonstration program in long-term care policy and practice that seeks to reduce high vacancy and turnover rates among direct care staff across the spectrum of long-term care settings and contribute to improved workforce quality.

Center for Excellence in Assisted Living (CEAL)
Fosters access to high quality assisted living by creating resources and acting as an objective resource center to facilitate quality improvement in assisted living, increasing the availability of research on quality in assisted living, and providing a national clearinghouse for information on assisted living.
Resource for updated, evidence-based clinical information and assessment tools on a wide variety of important and practical topics, as well as a link to information on nursing education, and staff education.

The Eden Alternative
Creates coalitions of people and organizations that are committed to creating better social and physical environments for people. The Eden Alternative is dedicated to helping others create enlivening environments and the elimination of the plagues of Loneliness, Helplessness, and Boredom.

IDEAS Institute
A premier resource of information and environment-behavioral research centered on improving care and quality of life for people with chronic forms of physical and cognitive decline, including, but not limited to, Alzheimer’s disease.

Pioneer Network

Pioneer Network is the national leader of the culture change movement, helping care providers to transition away from a medical, institutional model of elder care to one that is life affirming, satisfying, humane and meaningful. Pioneer Network advocates for a culture of aging in which individual voices are heard and individual choices are respected. Our goal is transformational culture change in organizations to foster care that is directed by the person receiving it.